March 10, 2025

Celebrating 50 years of Hip-Hop, because Hip-Hop is in everything,
like music, culture, and art, but we cannot have Hip-Hop without
writing, with is writing is a major building block. “Vortex Trilla
Thrillas” have crafted a unique project pulling from the elements of
Hip-Hop and teaching humanitarian concepts such as hygiene, respect
for the elders, and creativity. The book teaches the younger generation good practices while incorporating the worldwide culture in which they live, making it a classic for many to come.

Meet Sloppy Joe AKA (Also Known As) Slobicus. He is a
neighborhood guy that we all know. We all have people like him
in our community. He loves Hip-Hop music and is a cool
person. Everyone has their weakness. Slobicus had a problem
and it was being sloppy and unorganized. Come get to know
your boy, Sloppy Joe, as he learns his lesson about cleaning up
his act in this timely Hip-Hop Tale about being clean and safe.
It might be fantasy, but it gets no realer…than when you rock
and read with “Vortex Trilla Thrillas”!!

About Author

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