March 11, 2025

House of Haven offers housing and services to at-risk homeless transition-aged youth (ages 18-25).

Housing and Drop-In supports include:

  • Meals 
  • Clothing
  • Hygiene Kits 
  • Laundry facility 
  • Case management 
  • Transportation assistance 
  • Workshops 
  • Education and Employment assistance
  • And More…

House of Haven provides a safe, supportive and secure environment for youth who find themselves in crisis and in need of a haven.  We provide short-term shared housing along with the necessary support services. “Homelessness is the single biggest issue in Long Beach; there is none bigger,” Mayor Garcia said. The 2020 budget set aside 30 million dollars to tackle homelessness in Long Beach. The majority of the funds have not been allocated to any specific population. The City set aside twelve million to build a 125-bed adult homeless shelter that leaves the unaccompanied transition-age youth out in the cold. Over 1900 homeless individuals in Long Beach, and based on the last count, unaccompanied transition-age youth only make up 5%, but within the 5%, 78% are unsheltered. There are no transition-age youth shelters in Long Beach, and the nearest is 25 miles away in Los Angeles, and as with all youth shelters, they are always at capacity. House of Haven wants to change that. We can accommodate youth from Orange County as well; they have seen a significant increase in youth homelessness over the past two years.  

Every youth that enters our doors has to complete a needs-based assessment. We identify their needs and track them in our internal database to determine youth outcomes.  

  • 80% of youth served, further their education, e.g., complete High School diploma/HiSet, enroll in post-secondary education or vocational training 
  • 70% gain employment or internship opportunities 
  • 50% move into supportive, stable housing 
  • 100% receive linkages to other services based on needs

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