Everything grows from the Earth that sustains life for humans. So the grassroots is where the binds that tie energy and matter together by way of parenthood and the power of Maat. In West Orange, New Jersey, there exists a “Grassroots Community Foundation” that is focused on just that….cultivating the power in the indigenous young girls to transform into formidable women of today. This organization was started by Philly’s own Tariq “Black Thought” Trotter and Dr. Janice Johnson Dias. In their words, “GrassROOTS Community Foundation is a public health and social action organization. We invest in our community members’ collective well-being so that they can use their healthy energy to transform themselves, their families and communities. We fund, support, develop and scale community health and wellness programs for women and girls, particularly those who are impoverished. We also advocate for policies and practices that reduce disparities and foster equity.”
Furthermore they state,”Our work addresses behavioral, social and environmental determinants of health. We are committed to providing the resources and opportunities for women and girls to make health a priority so they can affect changes in themselves, their family and community.” This says it all as the cause is too large to ignore those trying to do something about it! https://grassrootscommunityfoundation.org