March 9, 2025

For over 40 Years, The Children’s Defense Fund has been on the frontline of issues dealing with children. The CDF was inspired and built on the backs of strong community leaders from the civil rights movement.  One of the leaders who inspired the Children’s Defense Fund was Marian Wright Edelman. The pioneer was the first Black woman admitted to the Mississippi Bar. Mrs.Edelman  directed the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund office in Jackson Mississippi.  The CDF supports programs that “lift children out of poverty, protect them from abuse and neglect, and ensure their access to healthcare, quality education and a moral and spiritual foundation.”  The CDF has many programs that directly impact the community. One of the programs is “The CDF Freedom Schools”. The program specializes in “providing K-12 scholars with rich, culturally relevant pedagogy and high quality books that deepen scholars’ understanding of themselves and all they have in common with others in a multiracial, multicultural democratic society, CDF Freedom Schools programs further empowers scholars to believe in their ability and responsibility to make a difference while instilling in them a love of reading to help them avoid summer learning loss”.This organization is dedicated to uplifting children in a positive light and we all believe that the children are the future. please support and visit

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2 thoughts on “Children’s Defense Fund

  1. Wow! Walter D. Miles was a serious king that left our children over 100 books! These are heroes we don’t hear about. Shout out to StreetPressure for highlighting these unsung giants.

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