February 12, 2025


The Nest is a dramatic series filmed in Watts California by Semaje Turnage and Cameron L. Flournoy. ‘The Nest’ is set in Watts California a tiny neighborhood in Los Angeles. This area is noted for the Watts Towers and the1965 Watts Riots. Where youth gangs, housing projects and crime is a staple of life while growing up in this densely populated neighborhood. Residents call this place ‘ The Ghetto Birds Nest’. The LA sheriff’s helicopter circles this neighborhood making the sound of the blades chopping the air above a soundtrack to the characters lives. A gang war is sparked by a robbery and murder of a beloved gang leader and the dominoes fall as lives hang in the balance. OG Rider Black narrates you through this vivid world of skewed morals from a prison cell. ‘The Nest’ is film in Watts, and the actors are residents of Watts and the surrounding neighborhoods. Many of which that have lived the gang life and some that still bang. There life experience allows them to give an authentic performance, that provides a window into a world that many luckily never experience.

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