March 12, 2025

The Soulful Slimdown
A Forty-Day Journal to a Successful Daniel Fast
by Maisha McGee-Childs

The Soulful Slimdown is a forty-day journal designed to guide you through a successful Daniel Fast. Each day focuses on one of the f’n (fatten’n) reasons to fast. These daily meditations reinforce accountability and provide thought-provoking journal entries to keep you on your forty-day track to completion. The journal is designed to not only create a healthier you, inside and out, but to cleanse your mind, repair your relationships, and lead you on the path to freedom. By focusing on the life God wants you to have and using the fasting journal as a guide to overcome obstacles, you will break from your fast leaving body fat and bad habits behind, while gaining the fat of a renewed and refreshed you! By the end of the forty days you will be a better parent, spouse, friend, and overall person once your body is mentally and physically free of toxins. So join the health secret that millions of successful, happy people have practiced for years and do something good for yourself and the people you love; fast for a better you and new life!

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