March 12, 2025

Since its inception in 1997, ABB Records has established itself as an independent force to be reckoned within the world of hip-hop. Major labels, in particular, have certainly taken the ABB quality standard seriously: several ABB artists have gone on to ink major record deals. ABB’s worldwide rep has been built on a solid foundation of consistency and musical excellence—not always a given when dealing with the hip-hop industry.

According to label President Beni B, what makes ABB unique from all the other labels all clamoring for the hip-hop fan’s attention span is the individuality of its artists. “All the artists have been different,” he emphasizes, adding, “When you look at all the releases as a whole, they all exemplify the ABB philosophy.” Meaning, keeping it simple, keeping it basic.

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1 thought on “Street Pressure links “ABB records”

  1. its good to see that Benny B is stil giving people a chance. He is an independent pioneer. Big ups to ABB.

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